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Cigna Members: Your Guide to a Free Breast Pump and Supplies

Categories: Breastfeeding, Insurance, Pregnancy, Pumping
September 25, 2023

Last updated on September 25, 2023

Expecting or new moms with Cigna health insurance often ask: what breast pump and supply coverage do I have? Getting a high-quality breast pump and supplies through insurance can save you a lot of money, so let’s explore Cigna’s insurance coverage guidelines and see how you can make the most out of these benefits.

Understanding Cigna’s Coverage for Breast Pumps

The Affordable Care Act requires most health insurance plans to cover the cost of a breast pump as part of the women’s preventive health services. That means with Cigna, you can obtain a fully-covered double electric breast pump through a durable medical equipment company (DME), like Acelleron, at no cost to you. Plus, a prescription is not required with Cigna, making the ordering process even easier!

New Addition: Milk Storage Bags Covered by Cigna

Thanks to the Affordable Care Act’s recent expansion for women’s health, Cigna plans now include milk storage bags in their covered benefits. When you choose Acelleron as your breast pump provider, you’re gaining access to even more benefits. We will supply you with breast milk storage bags alongside your breast pump. Moreover, our team will be in touch after your baby’s birth to enroll you in our Breastmilk Storage Bag Resupply Program. This means you can focus on caring for your baby, and we’ll ensure you have a steady supply of milk storage bags when you need them, for free.

Ordering Your Free Breast Pump and Storage Bags Through Cigna and Acelleron

Getting your breast pump and supplies covered by Cigna has never been easier!

  1. Visit our Cigna breast pump ordering page: Enter basic information, such as the state you live in and Cigna as your primary insurance.
  2. Pick your pump: Use our brand and feature filters to find the best pump for you and your baby. You can also add free breast milk storage bags to your order. Then, simply fill in the rest of the form to submit your order!
  3. Free shipping to your door: Once your insurance has been verified and the order is finalized, we can ship your pump and supplies at any time during your pregnancy.

Cigna’s Healthy Pregnancies, Healthy Babies Program

Navigating pregnancy and motherhood can be both exciting and challenging. Be sure to check if your employer offers Cigna’s Healthy Pregnancies, Healthy Babies® program. After you enroll in this program, you will have access to a maternity specialist who can support you during your whole pregnancy. You can also get live 24-hour support, get help with everything from how to handle discomfort during pregnancy to birthing classes, and other maternity benefits. And, for more insights, download the Cigna Healthy Pregnancy app for more valuable information and tools to guide you every step of the way.

Breast Pump Replacement Parts for Cigna Members

Over time, pumping may no longer be effective due to pump parts being damaged, missing, or general wear and tear. With Cigna, you can get replacement parts, including tubing, flanges, and milk collection bottles, at no cost to you. Simply visit Acelleron’s Insurance Covered Breast Pump Replacement Parts page to submit your order request.

The Acelleron Difference

Acelleron is committed to making Cigna members’ breastfeeding journey easier. With Cigna’s coverage, obtaining a free breast pump, milk storage bags, and replacement parts has never been more accessible. Order today and let us take care of the rest.

After you get your pump, we are still here to support you! Learn the ins and outs of your pump with a FREE Unbox Your Pump virtual consult and start your breastfeeding journey off on the right foot with our FREE online Breastfeeding Education Classes. Plus, have access to our Knowledge Center, Baby, Breast, and Beyond blog, and become part of our online community for support, inspiration, and exclusive access to special deals and discounts.