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Free Breast Pump Through WellCare

Order Pump

Ordering your breast pump through WellCare of NJ just got super easy, and it’s free! As a WellCare member, you are eligible to receive a high-quality, name brand breast pump at no cost to you. Plus, you won’t be jumping through hoops with your insurer: As a contracted WellCare breast pump provider, Acelleron will take care of all that for you. Everything about ordering is hassle-free and, in the end, you’ll get a great product for you and your baby.


Our Process is Easy

You Order

Select your insurance, pump, and fill out our order form.

We Verify

We verify your insurance coverage and request a prescription from your doctor.

You Receive

Congratulations! Fast, free shipping. It's that simple.

Pump Exploration Webinar

Register for our FREE On-demand Pump Exploration Webinar where our Pump Experts review key breast pump parts, top brands, how to choose and use the best breast pump for your needs and preferences, as well as pumping tips, accessories to consider, and more! Best of all, you can access this webinar at your own pace.

  • Free Breastfeeding Education

    When you order your pump through Acelleron, you will receive FREE access to our online breastfeeding education classes!

Brands We Carry

If you’re a mom that loves to research, then you’ll be happy to know that Acelleron carries products from many known, trusted brands. If you’re new to all of this and just learning about breast pumps for the first time, then rest assured that you’re going to be looking at the highest quality products out there when you order through Acelleron.

Order Pump
  • “Every Rep I spoke with was incredibly supportive, knowledgeable and creative. I loved calling in to ask about pumps, and knowing I’d be talking with moms and smart women who understand the products and process of breastfeeding. Amazing team. I send my deep gratitude!”


  • “Between both the email and the phone call I received, you made the order/delivery of my breast pump both simple and timely. I’m totally gushing here about you guys, which feels silly, but for a first time mom approaching breastfeeding for the first time, just the thought of picking out a pump was extremely daunting. The whole PROCESS of preparing for your newborn is scary, so having this small win during a scary time was really refreshing and needed. Kudos!”

  • “I was so impressed with how helpful your customer service representatives were and how quick and speedy the entire process was (including shipping to door time). This was a great experience and I would highly recommend your company to others!”

  • “You all were wonderful. I was anxious that this would have been an awful, complicated process, so thank you so much for what turned out to be an incredibly smooth and painless experience.”

  • “This was a totally awesome experience! I had no idea it would be so simple. I discovered Acelleron at a baby/birth fair at my local hospital. When I was ready to order a pump, I called to find out what to do. Someone called me back and left a message about what to do, and it literally took only 5 minutes. I entered my shipping, doctor’s office, and insurance info, and Acelleron did the rest. I think I had my pump within 4 days of filling out the online form. Thank you for making a mom’s life easier, and keep up the great work!”

“FREE” indicates no out-of-pocket costs with participating in-network, non-grandfathered insurance plans. Place an order to find out if you qualify.