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Elise Perry, MPH, CLC

Team Lead

Elise is a team lead in the mom and baby division of Acelleron. Elise is also a Certified Lactation Counselor and Certified Health Coach. She provides moms with educational breast pump support in her pump expert role with Acelleron by leading monthly Pump Exploration webinars and daily Unbox your Pump consults, virtually.

Elise attended the University of Maine, majoring in Human Nutrition, as well as the University of New Hampshire, where she earned her Master of Public Health degree. She comes from a health and wellness background, including the WIC program and knows the importance of nonjudgmental breastfeeding support and education for our families!

Elise and her husband Ben live in New Hampshire with their Labradoodle, Stella.

Fun Fact:

Elise loves to hike and is working on completing “52 with a view” in New Hampshire.